Rules & Regulations

- A minimum of 80% attendance during the year is a must along with academic performance, to be considered for promotion to next class.
- Students who have been absent from class must have the reason entered in the ‘Regularity Record’ stating briefly the cause of the absence. (reasons of a private nature may be submitted in a letter). No leave of absence is given without previous written application from the guardian.
- Absence from Class for the following reasons is not appreciated:
- Birthdays, Marriages, Feasts, Excursions
- In view of anticipating or extending school vacations.
- In order to study at home.
- To be admitted to the classroom, those who have been absent and those who come late, must show the teacher in-charge, their “Regularity Record” duly countersigned by the Principal.
- Those who return to school after absenting themselves without a leave note shall not enter the class without the sanction of the Principal and without a few lines from the Parents on the ‘Absence Record’ stating the exact reason for absence.
- Every student should be in the school campus by 7.30 a.m. so as to attend the School General Assembly everyday. The school gate will be closed at 7.30 a.m. for students of Nursery to XII. No student is allowed to enter the campus thereafter.
- Every student must be present at the re-opening of school i.e. after the Summer, Christmas and Puja Vacations. There will be a class test / project on the closing and re-opening day of every term.
- If at any time, due to disturbance / unrest / bandh / violence, the school remains closed on that day, the next weekly holiday (not a public holiday) in the week viz. Saturday, will be a working day for all.
- Continuous absence for 15 days without prior permission for leave, will be considered equivalent to withdrawal of the student from school and her name will be struck off the rolls.
- A medical certificate must be produced for absence due to a contagious or an infectious disease.
- School begins with a General Assembly at 7.35 a.m. during which a prayer is recited. Every student should be present for the General Assembly. When the bell is rung, students go to their respective classrooms. During the change of teachers, or when, going from one class to another, silence must be observed.
- Only English should be spoken in the school premises, in order to acquire a greater fluency in the study of English.
- A strict code of uniform is to be followed by the students. They are not allowed to wear any jewellery nor will they use mehendi. Nails are to be trimmed and no nail polish of any kind will be entertained.
- Students will not be allowed:
- To leave the school during school hours, unless the parents meet the Principal personally and prior permission is obtained from her.
- To raise subscriptions.
- To give gifts to the members of the staff or companions.
- To organize a picnic or a tournament without permission.
- Students are expected to make good use of books in the library and not to damage them. Books are issued regularly to the students from the school library. All other books, periodicals, magazines (if any) must be submitted to the Principal for approval.
- The School is not responsible for books, clothes etc. which are lost. It is not advisable for students to bring valuable articles into the school. Children should have either leather or cloth bags.
- Students are forbidden to bring electronic equipment, such as a mobile phone, I pods, cameras, hand video games, DVD’s, CD’s, Pen Drive, Portable Audio and Video devices, cassette player or any mass storage device, books, periodicals, newspapers or printed matter of an objectionable nature, on a day-to-day basis. A cassette player, or a CD player may be brought to school only for practice for a school programme /concert, and will be used under the supervision of the Principal / class teacher/ teacher in-charge.
- The use of a mobile in the school premises is strictly prohibited. If a child is found using a mobile, it will be confiscated and the user will be severely penalized.
- The school will not be liable for any damages/charges on account of injuries, fatal or otherwise, which may be sustained by a student any time during her study in school, while taking part in sports and in extra-curricular or any other form of activities of the school, within or outside the school premises. All expenses that may be incurred in the treatment of such injuries will be borne by the parents / guardians as per the rules of the school.
- Parents / Guardians are not allowed to send / bring tiffin, water, books or any other items and hand them over to their ward or to the school employees if she forgets to bring it along in the morning.
- Parents are requested to make complaints if any, to the Principal directly and not to the class teacher.
- Parents are not allowed to meet the teachers in their respective classrooms or in the staff room during teaching hours. They may do so out of class hours, having made an appointment with the permission of the Principal.
Private Tuition:
It is the policy of the school, as a rule, to discourage private tuition. A student should be able to progress in her work as a result of good teaching.
- Teachers are strictly not permitted to give tuitions to our school students of any class.
- The students are not allowed to take tuitions from their own school teachers.
Nursery: Registration forms available at the school office in the 1st week of September. Age requirement: 3 years as on 1st April. Birth Certificate both from Municipality and Hospital / Nursing home required.
Cl.KG I to Cl.IX: Admission to these classes is against vacancy only and strictly based on merit. Transfer Certificate along with progress report and birth certificate are required.
ISC (Cl.XI arts): Admission to cl.XI is based on aggregate of marks obtained by the candidate in School (both Cl.IX & X) and ICSE examinations. Students of other boards must have passed in
- English
- 2nd Language
- Three other subjects.
- Before withdrawing a student from the school, a calendar month’s notice in writing is to be given and an advance of three months’ fees is to be paid.
- No leaving certificate is issued until all dues to the school, have been paid in full.
- The transfer certificate will be issued only on receipt of application signed by both the Parents (where applicable).
- A pupil failing in a class twice must discontinue her studies in the school.
- Examinations and Tests are held as indicated in the School Calendar. The marks obtained in all the exams are counted towards the aggregate which will determine the promotion to a higher class at the end of the year.
- On a test day, a student is expected to attend all the classes through out the day. Otherwise the test stands cancelled. No student will be allowed to go home after answering a test for any reason whatsoever.
- Parents are advised not to send children to school when ill or just recovering from illness.
- For students who are absent for the Tests and Terminal Examinations, no provision is made for a supplementary test or examination.
- No student will absent herself, a week/day previous to the examinations without the doctor’s prescription accompanying a leave note – in case of illness. On a normal basis, being absent on the previous day of exam or project will result in negative marking.
- Any student found resorting to unfair means in any examination will be given a zero in the subject and will not be allowed to answer the rest of the papers of the examination. Repetition of the same will result in dismissal. Any student who is found tampering with marks in the evaluated answer scripts, Progress Report and other School Certificates will be asked to leave the School.
- A student, who has made arrangements to obtain unfair help in connection with the question papers from any person or any agency, is liable to have her result in the examination cancelled as a whole. Students who are detected giving or obtaining, or attempting to give or obtain, unfair assistance, or who are otherwise detected in any dishonesty whatsoever, will be debarred from the examination.
- After the Unit Tests and the Term Exams, answer papers will be shown to the students and will have to be signed by the parents.
- In order to be promoted a student should secure a minimum of 40% in all subjects. And also a minimum of 80% attendance during the year is a must along with academic performance to be considered for promotion to next class.
- In all matters related to result, the Principal’s decision is final.
- All fee concessions (if any) of students, who fail in any class will be automatically cancelled at the end of the year.
Parents and Guardians are requested to co-operate with the school authorities by:
- Urging their wards to regular and punctual attendance.
- Following up the reports which keep them informed of their diligence in studies and their behavior in school.
- Occasionally meeting the Principal to discuss means for greater progress in their children’s studies.
- Seeing that their wards enter daily in the diary the lessons given.
- Insisting on neatness and cleanliness, in textbooks, exercise books and personal appearance of their wards.
- Seeing that their wards are diligent with homework and lessons.
- Encouraging the children to participate in activities conducted by the school.
- Attending the Parent – Teacher meetings organized by the school authorities.
- All communication is to be addressed to the Principal. Do not disturb the teachers by phone calls or visits regarding school work at their residence. All visits to teacher in school, by prior appointment only.
To be respectful with one another in and out of school.
- To greet their teachers, all the members of the staff and elders wherever or whenever they meet them.
- To accept whatever work is assigned to them as their rightful share.
- To move gracefully and silently from the classroom to labs, the hall, the language room and return in the same manner.
- To avoid vulgarity in their talk and behavior and thus uphold their dignity as persons.
- To be courteous and sports man like with opposing teams and with officials.
- To respect the liberty and the rights of other students.
- To respect the beauty of the School premises and report if they observe any damage.
- To avoid dropping papers in the Classrooms, school corridors, and in the school premises. Pick up any paper dropped by others.
- To learn and observe good manners everywhere.
- To resist from writing or drawing on the black board, from writing or soiling the walls and furniture.
- To speak well of the School Management, Teachers and Schoolmates.
- To submit at the office any valuables found in the campus.
- To make the School Campus a happy and joyful place to grow and learn.