Carmel School

Welcome to Carmel School

Carmel School

Gurunanak Road, Durgapur

👉 The Online Application Forms for Admission to Nursery 2025-2026 will be available on 1st - 31st August 2024 here👈

new admission FOR NURSERY 2025-26

Notice Board

  • SOCIAL SERVICE WEEK –2024 From 1st – 4th Oct 2024 Dear Parents, To help the less fortunate brothers and sisters of our society we will be collecting a few items in the school. I am confident of your good will and generosity in being part of this venture. Kindly send your contribution through your wards. 01/10/2024 - Boiled rice 1 kg and above. Money - Rs.100/- and above. 2 Exercise books, 2 erasers, 2 pencils / 2 pens, 1Tiffin box. 03/10/2024 - Massor Dal ½ kg and above. Biscuits 04/10/2024 - New Clothes – Sarees , Skirts , T- shirts , pants , bed sheets , lungis, frocks , or children’s wear. 2 cakes of Washing soap, 2 cakes of Bath soap, washing powder ½ kg. Thanking you in anticipation
  • Dear Parents, Tomorrow - 4 th September 2024, is a normal class day. Teachers' Day Celebration will be on 5 th September. * School Timing on 05.09.2024. Nursery - 7. 30 a. m. to 9. 15 a. m K.G. I & K.G. II - 7.30 a. m. to 9.30 a. m. Classes I to IV 7.30 am to 09.45 am. Classes V to XII 7.30 am to 12.30 pm. The students will come in their School uniform. Those participating in the programme are expected to come dressed according to their items. Principal, Carmel School, Gurunanak road. Durgapur -05.
  • Dear Parents, This is to inform you that tomorrow - 17.08.2024, will be a holiday for all the students. Principal, Carmel School, Durgapur -05.
  • Dear Parents, The school will remain closed tomorrow (03.08.2024). Principal Carmel School Durgapur =05.
  • Dear Parents, Due to the rain and water loging the school shall remain closed today (02.08.2024). Principal Carmel School Durgapur =05.
  • Nursery Admission 2025 - 2026 Notice
  • Dear Parents, Tomorrow 20/7/2024 the students of class I - XII will go home at 12 noon. They will follow Tuesday's Time Table up to 6 Periods. Principal Carmel School
  • Carmel Feast 2024

About Carmel School

Carmel School, Durgapur is a Christian School established and administered by the Apostolic Carmel Educational Society of West Bengal, in the Roman Catholic Church. The School is under the religious jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Bishop of Asansol.The arrival of the Apostolic Carmel in Durgapur in 1964 with a focus on education at MAMC was a beacon light to this industrial town. The School at MAMC had made a good beginning and seeing the selfless effort and hard work of the sisters, the Steel Township, the then Hindustan Steel Ltd approached the sisters to start a school in the township for their children. The offer was gladly accepted as it was an opportunity to further the vision of our Founder Mother Veronica – to transform the society through education and other works of mercy.On 18th July 1966 the branch school at Steel township saw the light of day at St. Paul’s Road with 187 students in the Nursery, Kindergarten and Cl.I. However, it was shifted to Guru Nanak Road on 15th January 1976. For details Click Here…


School Cabinet

Carmel Infrastructure

We aim all Round development of Our Students




Cultural Programme



What do Our Students Say?